Today we’re going to learn how to use one of these construction calculators so stay with us and I’ll see how to use them easily. This is a construction calculator or a construction math calculator and it looks like a regular calculation tool but there are some very stark differences between this tool and regular calculation devices that you may use and if you look closer you can see some of the differences right on the keys or the functions. Must share your work experience if you have used Fractions Calculator App or Fractions Calculator must your experience in the comment section.
Understanding the Recall (RCL)
Key on a Construction Calculator
So down here you know looks like a basic calculator here you have the number keys right and then you have the you know division multiplication subtraction and so forth but then you get over here right and you see keys like this what is that rcl well that’s a recall key and that simply can recall the value that was previously in there but the only way that this recall key will be of use is if you stored the value in the memory of the calculator in the first place okay and you do that with this button here.
This m plus button right this is a memory button so for example if i press 5 and then i press the m button that adds that five to the memory of the computer so let’s just say i press on and bring it back to zero right i clear it and i bring it back to zero i just simply have to press recall twice and the five comes up right because it was stored in the memory now what if you want to take it out of the memory of the calculator well that’s what this convert conv button is for okay now that’s just one of the functions that you can use this button.
Using Memory Functions and Dimensional Keys on a Calculator
For example if you press convert memory okay notice that there’s a minus sign by the m here okay and let’s just say you press three now press the recall button about three times and it clears that value of five out of the memory of the calculator okay so as we move on up the keyboard.
Here we start to see keys that are very useful to the tradesmen okay we start to see what’s called dimensional keys right and those are the keys that uh designate for example yards feet inches millimeters centimeters meters.
let’s just say you want to enter a value of seven yards you would press seven and yards and you see the yard symbol right there uh if you want to enter a value of seven feet press seven feet uh seven inches seven inches there it is right there. Now you don’t have to press the on off button you can actually convert or toggle between the dimensional units right so it’s at inches now if you press feet that’s what comes up right if you press yards that’s what comes up?
Conclusion: Efficient Use of Memory and Dimensional Keys
Based on the original value that you put in right. So if i press seven yards okay and i want to convert seven yards to feet i can just press feet and it turns to that 21 feet right if i press inches that’s how many inches is 7 yards right so it depends on the original value and unit of measurement that you enter that will determine what the value of these other units of measurement will be okay reader.